Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Urine and Bunnies

Megan wanted me to write about a couple of experiences I have had the past couple of weeks at the treatment center Megan and I work at. I can’t use any names in this post because of confidential reasons; however I may not need them to tell these tales.

While working one afternoon a client was acting out, arguing about everything, mouthing off and defiantly doing exactly opposite of what he is asked and expected to do. One of the main therapeutic types of sessions they do is a group session where all of the clients in the boys house get together to discuss their issues. While everyone else was setting their chairs up in a circle for group this particular client was sitting on the ground refusing to move and refusing to give a reason to why he was sitting on the ground. At this same time I was trying to decide whether or not to sit in one of the plastic chairs included in the group circle or...sit on the comfortable couch outside of the circle. I was told by another staff it was fine to sit outside the circle. I slowly backed away from the group and grabbed the pillow that was lying on top of the cushion I was about to sit on. With my eyes still on the group, I sat on the cushion and right as I rest my back against the back of the couch that same pillow I had just moved fell on to my arm...it was wet. My first thought was "oh one of the boys must have spilled their water". So I just brushed it a side. Not even ten seconds later I realized that the seat I was sitting in was uncomfortably warm...I looked over at the kid refusing to stand up and realized...I was sitting in his PEE!! I was furious! He had soaked the entire cushion with his urine. Of course I must admit that it is kind of funny now, and it would have been hilarious if it had happened to someone else. That is why I have dedicated this post to Kevin Mouritsen....if you want to know why, you will have to ask him.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you are slapped in the face with how out of shape you are and just how much your body’s abilities have changed with time? Me too. Unfortunately, mine came in the face of a little jet black bunny. While working exactly one week from the "urine" incident, Megan and I were at the treatment center and walking outside in the yard getting ready to clock out for the day when suddenly I noticed the campus pet bunny, Night-Rider (the name should have tipped me off) was out of the animal pen. Megan thought it would be a great idea for me to walk over there, pick him up and put him back in the pen...great idea, for the bunny... I am sure he is still giggling today about the heart attack he almost gave me. After the first approach I realized that it would be easier to recruit some help because I couldn’t even get within 20 feet without the bunny moving away. A couple boys came to help...kind of. As the boys started chase towards the bunny Night-Riders true colors came out, and he darted fearlessly right towards me. I was ready down in my "athletic" stance; you know the one you would use to guard someone in basketball or pretty much any sport. As soon as the bunny got with-in striking distance he jabbed to my left I matched the jab and with the quickest redirection I have ever seen he went back right and I kept going left, down a little hill full of shredded bark where I mud stained my brand new shoes and cut up my knees. The bunny was now down the other side of the hill and in to a little creek bed that went underneath a fence. I was humiliated, but I had to catch him. I jumped up, ran down the hill in to the creek, and under the fence and luckily the bunny was self destructing trying to decide which side of the tree in front of him to take as his next move. As soon as I got there he went left and I went right, around the tree now my last hope was to dive........and I got him! It took me about ten minutes to recover my breath fully after this escapade.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Have You Ever Heard a Song That Made You Cry?

Well this song did just that!  Right off the bat, it made me think of my marriage, which led to me being overwhelmed with gratefullness for my amazing husband.


 I was actually surprised I hadn't heard this song before now because it's by Tim Mcgraw and I love Tim Mcgraw.  Check it out, it's great!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Lately our life has felt a bit tedious and we are ready to make some changes.  We aren't exactly sure what changes we want to make but we know we have alot of options.  Here are some of the options we are considering. 

1. Buy a house and stay going to the U of U
2. Just me move to Cedar City and tranfer to SUU and Andrew would stay up here and keep his wellsfargo job.  (This would be a toughy because we really don't want to be away from eachother)
3. Both of us move to Cedar
4. Have a baby... Ok we're not really considering that, but it is an option

The top 3 are things that we are actually considering.  I think we are just ready to have our own place where we can work in the yard, garden, paint how we want, have a puppy.  I don't know about Andrew, but personally I'm just tired of having so many restrictions with where we are at currently.  Don't get me wrong, it's been a huge blessing to be able to live here.  I mean we have an affordable, 3 bedroom home that is fairly  new, but it feels like it's time to move forward.  Speaking of our home, I never did post pictures for my Nebraska family to see our place so I think I will do that in this post as well.  Anyway, I had just to vent a little but about how I'm ready for a change.

My Beloved Spring Break

 Is it just me or do the days before a big affair crawl by and then when the time actually gets there time flies?  That is exactly how my spring break felt.  My spring break was last week.  On Thursday, we headed down to St George.  The initial plan was to spend the weekend watching Aaron play tennis.  About a week before, Aaron's Jazz band made it to State and the competition was on Friday so he decided so go to his jazz competition and then hustle down to St George for part of the Tennis Tournament.  This meant that we had to find things to do for Thursday and Friday during the times we had planned on being at tennis.  This was an easy task.  We arrived in St George around noon on Thursday and as soon as we did the boys and girls went their seperate ways.  The boys (Andrew and JR) golfed 18 holes.  Andrew has done alot of golfing in his life, but this was Andrew's first time golfing 18 holes and I get the idea that he loved it because he's had a hankering for golf ever since.  While the boys were golfing, us girls (Bailey and Myself) went shopping.  The boys golfed for about 5 hours, while Bailey and I shopped for about 4 hourse and then spent the rest of our time napping (shopping is exhausting).  Later Thursday evening, Andrew and I met up with Haley and Spencer for a little double date night.  We ate at Mongolian BBQ, played lazer tag and arcade games and finished the night off with some frozen custard from Nielsons.  Friday and Saturday consisted of mostly shopping because the weather in St George was abnormally cold and rainy and on Saturday morning the tennis tournament got cancelled.  We left St George saturday afternoon and got back to Stansbury around 6 PM.  As soon as Andrew and I got to our house we laid down for a nap.  I didn't even think to set our alarms for the morning because I thought we would only sleep for a couple of hours, but I was wrong.  We both woke up at 4 AM from our "nap" and decided to just go back to sleep until morning.  I think we were slightly tired. 

Taken as a whole, my spring break was a success, even if it did go my entirely too fast.  Unfortunately I forgot my camera and was unable to take any pictures :(