Sunday, April 14, 2013

Letting Go

Letting go can be hard, especially if you're like me.  Once I've let go of something I forget about why I let it go and I find myself into missing it. It's as if I forget about all of the bad things that made me let it go in the first place. This is something I've done for years.  Years back it was probably a boy and then maybe it was a house and now it is a job/living situation, the day treatment house to be more specific. 

It really started to hit me last week when Andrew and I went out for sushi with the girls we used to live with.  As we were driving through the neighborhood to pick them up Andrew and I started reminiscing of all the memories we had there and then to both of our surprise we confessed how much we missed it. We then had to stop and remind ourselves why we let it go.  We. Started. A. Family. We. Built. A. House. We Wanted. Alone. Time.  We. Needed. To. Give. 100%. To. Our. Son.

I realized that I need to be grateful that I had such a wonderful opportunity to make an impact on those girls lives and how blessed I am that I was able to have them in my life to make an impact on me.  I also need to remember that letting go is necessary to move on to bigger and better things and that is just what we are doing.  Life is going so well for us.  We are best friends, we have a perfect baby boy, a new house and we are making new memories everyday.

Letting go can be hard, but it is necessary.

Monday, April 8, 2013

2 Months Old

Well our baby is two months old and today Andrew and I took him to his two month appointment.  He weighs 12 lbs 6 oz (75 percentile), he is 23 inches long (75 percentile) and his head is 16 ¾ inches round (90 percentile).  We weren’t at all surprised about his head size.  He has a good sized noggin.  
  Here are a few of the things Madden is up to now that he is 2 months old.
·         He still HATES being on his tummy
·         He loves to cuddle and he is such a good snuggler
·         He is constantly cooing
·         He loves to smile especially in the morning
·         He has slept through the night a few times, but it’s still not too consistent
·         Bath time is his favorite time of the day
·         Andrew and I finally gave in and started giving him a binky occasionally.  It’s been a lifesaver when we are out and about
Here are some pictures from the past week
 Madden at his appointment, before getting his shots
 Recovering from his shots (it was a traumatic experience)

 Cuddle time

Happy Boy


Tuesday, April 2, 2013


 Madden and his cousins.  They are already teaming up on him, but he doesn't seem to mind.
 Andrew's hair is way too long.... and for some odd reason, I really like it in this pic
 Me and one of my handsome boys

I can't get enough of those cheeks.  Yes, I know Madden is a total code 9  in this picture.
 Madden and his twin cousins
Our first razor ride since we had Madden

Time is flying by here in the Vera household.  Madden seems to be growing every single day and it is is happening way to fast for this momma.  I catch myself getting excited for the things he will do in the future like playing catch and running around the backyard, but then I remember how precious he is right now and it makes me sad that he is growing so fast.  Madden's newest accomplishment happened about a week ago.  He was laying on his tummy, which he absolutely hates and all of he rolled himself over to his back.  Needless to say, he isn't spending much time on his tummy anymore.  If he doesn't roll himself over, he lays face down and screams until I pick him up.  I am so grateful for my little family and the happiness that Madden has brought to our family.  For anyone who reads our blog, here are a few pics and I will hopefully do a two month update on Madden in a few day.  WHAT?! I can't believe he is two months old already.  Time needs to slow down.