Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I've always known that I would go all natural when I had a baby, but I didn't know what techniques I would use. (Don't worry, this doesn't get graphic)  The therapist that works in our home, aka the group home told me that he used to teach hypnobirthing and recommended it.  This was a new concept to me and I was intrigued, but also skeptical.  I ended up researching it more and decided to give it a try.  Andrew and I went to our first hypnobirthing class last night and we both loved it.  It focuses alot on controlling the mind and emphasizes that natural things, like giving birth shouldn't be painful, but society trains people to believe it has to be. It was a super interesting class and I'm excited for the weeks to come.  I was a little nervous about how Andrew would react to the class.  I thought for sure he would think it was weird, but he totally bought into it.... even more than me I think. 

Pregnency Update

 22 Weeks
24 Weeks
I am coming up on my 24 week mark and in the past week my belly completely popped out.  Everyone I see comments on how much I’ve grown since the last time they saw me.  It freaks me out a little bit that I grew so fast and so much in such a short period.  I keep thinking if I continue to grow like this for the remainder of my pregnancy I will be HUGE by the time he gets here.  Today I bought my first pair of maternity pants.  I had told myself that I would not buy maternity clothes and that it would work out perfectly with fall and winter coming I could just wear leggings, but I finally had to give in because the leggings just weren’t cutting it and I only fit into one pair of my pre pregnancy jeans.  The maternity pants were super comfortable, even more than I expected.  I joked with Andrew that I might just stick with maternity pants forever.  I will end by saying I absolutely love being pregnant.  When I hear people complain about pregnancy I get confused because even with the morning sickness and some of the discomforts it is still THE COOLEST thing EVER!