Sunday, January 30, 2011

30 Day Challange

Day 5- A Picture of Somewhere I've Been

Day-6- A Hobby I Have.
I absolutely love sports.  I like playing anything including tennis, basketball, softball, football and pretty much anything else that involves a ball.  Recently, I've also started to enjoy doing more crafty things like scrapbooking!

Day 7- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on me
My mom!

Day 8- Short term goals for this month and why.
1. To do well on all of my upcoming exams, especially in my sports physiology class.
2. Lose 4 Lbs.  It doesn't sound like much, but I'm just trying to tone up and I think 4 Lbs in plenty
3. Try to create a fun environment for my basketball girls

Day 9- Something/someone you’re proud of.
Andrew Kent Vera!  He is such a hard worker and is always trying to make me happy.  He is also a great example to me and everyone else around him and I'm so proud of him.

Day 10- A story about a past relationship.

This is a hard one... Pass!

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