Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tooele Vs Grantsville

Yesterday, my girls played Grantsville's basketball team for the second time.  The first time we played them grantsville controlled the tempo of the game and we ended up losing by 7.  Yesterday our team came out ready to play,  they played with more intensity than I've ever seen them play with and I was very impressed.  The game ended up going into over time and we lost by 1 point.  It was disappointing to lose, but I have never been so proud of them.  They played really hard.  We have a week off for Christmas break and then we will pick things back up next wednesday.

Though we've been busy this week with games and practice, the team has managed to find time for 2 Christmas parties.  The first party was just for the sophomore team, we did it at my house and ate chilli and did a gift exchange.  Then today we had another one at the school with all 4 teams.  This one consisted of breakfast and another gift exchange.  I only participated in one gift exchange but thanks to my sophomores I ended up with a Dora bath kit, lotion, Kitchen towel, Christmas socks, body spray, a gift card to Mcdonalds and a few candy bars.  Thanks girls for making this season so fun this far!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

1 down, 3 to go

I took my first final yesterday.  It was for my research and inquiry class and I got.... 100%.  I can't wait until the end of next week when my Christmas break starts!

Monday, December 6, 2010

18 Months

Andrew and I have officially been married 18 months today.  It's hard to believe because it's gone by so fast, but when I look back we have been through so much in our short marriage.  Here are a few of the adventures we've encountered and memories we've made.
1. Honeymoon to Lake Havasu
2. The move to Nebraska
3. Fishing at the Cabin
4. Finding our kitten Elliott
5. Elliotts ringworm fiasco
6. Our giant Christmas tree
7. WICKED in Kansas City
8. Moving back to Utah
1. Andrew getting promoted to Banker
2. Andrew getting his appendix out (Me-"It's just a stomache ache, go back to sleep" OOPS!)
3. Getting jobs at vista
4. Scooter trouble
5. Anniversary trip to Havasu
6. Vegas trip with Mom and Ran

Those are just a few of the many memories we've made and I can't wait to make a million more.  I love you Andrew Kent, thanks for being amazing.

Thanksgiving Break

As you can tell, I'm a little but behind on blogging but today I am attempting to catch up.  So here goes nothing.  Thanksgiving break was fabulous! Ok next topic......JK.  My break from school wasn't suppose to start until Thursday (Thanksgiving Day), but thanks to the "blizzard" School got cancelled Tuesday and Wednesday.  Basketball practice also got cancelled Tuesday night by the district due to the storm so Andrew and I had the night to ourselves.  We played some games, ate, watched glee and after we had about 6 inches of snow we decided to go play in it.
WEDNESDAY- Andrew had to go to work so I stayed home and made Chilli.  It was my first time making it and I must say it was pretty yummy, Andrew even rated it a 10!
THANKSGIVING DAY- Andrew started his day off by playing in a little Turkey Bowl and because of this I had the pleasure of hearing him complain about how sore he was for the next week :).  After the turkey bowl we went to his parents for some food.  It was nice to be around the whole fam,eat lots of food, watch How To Train Your Dragin and of course take a nap.  After the nap we headed over to my parents for another big meal.  Along with eating, we watched some football and played some cards.  It was an overall successful Thankgiving!
BLACK FRIDAY- After last year I am officially a black friday shopper for life.  Some people, including my mom wouldn't be caught dead shopping on black friday.  Some complain you have to get up to early, others dont like the lines but I think all of those things are worth it to feel the holiday spirit I feel on black friday.  This year I went with my mother-in-law, Kristine.  We left at 1:45AM and headed to Kohls, which opened at 3:00AM.  The lines were crazy but we got what we wanted.  We then headed to the mall and got somemore great deals.  We shopped until about 3PM and by that time were pretty exhausted. 

The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing, doing nothing and enjoying our time away from school and work and that was fine with me!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


"A Friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are."

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." ~C.S. Lewis

Today I am thankful for my friends. This weekend I had the opportunity to visit with one of my best friends, Haley.  She came home from college for the Thanksgiving break and was able to take some time to come over to my house.  It was so good to see her and catch up.  I love how now matter what happens we can always turn to eachother.  I'm grateful for all of my friends, those who I am still close with and those who I have lost touch with through time.  Thanks for the influence you've all had in my life.

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Job

Today I am thankful for my job.  I have the unique opportunity to work at a residential treatment center for adolescents.  I LOVE my job and I feel really blessed to be working there.  Like any job, it has it's ups and downs but for the most part my job is great. After living in Utah for the majority of my life, I've gotten used to the Utah culture.  I'm sure everyone in Utah knows what I'm talking about.  But the kids I work with opened my eyes and reminded me that there's more going on out there.  Before working here, I would make judgements about people if I wasn't familiar with their lifestyle and be unaware of it. I believe that it is impossible to make an accurate judgement about someone without knowing everything about them and even then, who are we to judge?  Now, if I make a judgement about someone I try to catch myself and make myself aware that I'm making a judgement and push it out of my head.   I can now do this because of people I've gotten to know through my job and the things they have taught me. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Last Saturday, my brother-in-law, Aaron put on a concert his their back yard.  He asked Andrew to sing a couple songs and he also had some friends and their cousin Daniel play.  They did an awesome job and had a really good turn out, I would guess around 40 people.  Andrew sang "Hear You Me" and a song that he wrote.  I will post a some pictures  from that night and intend to post a video later.  Enjoy!

Playing the face game.  My hands look like I'm trying to pull a gang sign.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Husband

Everyday when I'm trying to decide what to say I'm thankful for, my husband is the first thing that comes to mind. I've been trying to put it off as long as possible because I'm constantly talking about how great he is and I figure people get sick of hearing me be so mushy about it, but I couldn't put it off anymore.  Today and everyday, I am thankful for my husband.  Andrew is such a hard worker and is so caring.  He is everything and more that I ever wanted in my husband.  He's fun, loving and nice.....LOOKING :).  Thanks And for being so great.  I love you!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Caring People

This morning I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, trying to get everything in order for school.  I had a test that I wasn't prepared for, due to the fact that I couldn't keep my eyes open to study anymore last night and I also hadn't printed off my investment assignment that was due today.  So I woke up early so I would have time to study and get my assignment printed off, unfortunatly our internet wasn't working this morning so I was unable to access the assignment.  I shot out an email to my classmates to  see if someone could print it out for me and within 5 minutes I had a response saying he had it covered.  I am Thankful that there are caring people out there who are thinking about others and make life a little bit easier and alot more enjoyable.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Harry Potter

The beginning of the end it coming.  Over the past 15 years many people have grown to be fond of the Harry Potter series, some may even be considered obsessed, including myself.  I've played Harry Potter Trivia games, stood in line at midnight to get the books and attended the midnight showing for every movie.  Unfortunately,  I wont be able to attend the midnight show this coming Friday because I will be house sitting for VTL, but I have my tickets to see it on opening day and can't wait to see the Deathly Hallows.

Today I am thankful for Harry Potter and the great memories I have because of Harry Potter activities.

Harry Potter Memories
1. Leatherbys before each midnight show
2. Dancing boy at Gateway midnight show
3. Being the first in line, and making up games that usually ended with a jammed finger and a couple bleeders
4. Cheering.... HARRY POTTER WHOOO

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Basketball Season Begins

Many people may be shocked by what I am about to say, so you may want to sit down.  This year I will be coaching the sophomore girls basketball at Tooele High School.  Yes, you read right, I said Tooele High School.  Though I will always be a Cowboy at heart, I am very excited to coach the Lady Buffs.  Final cuts were yesterday and I am sad to say that I did have to make cuts :(.  It was alot more depressing than I expected.  I wish everyone could make the team, but due to numbers some people had to go.  I have a feeling we are going to have a great season.  The girls are great and are very willing to learn and this makes me excited to be coaching them.

Our Troops

Today I am thankful for our troops and for their heroic sacrifice.  Because of courageous people like them  I can live the way I do.  Shout out to My cousins Cody and Kyle (Marines) and to my brother-in-law, Steven (soldier), thanks for serving our country! I love you guys!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Today I am thankful for basketball.  I am currently coaching the sophomore girls basketball team at Tooele High School.  Tryouts started yesterday and we will be making final cuts tomorrow.  I am really excited for this season.  We have some great girls and alot of talent.  It's nice to have something like basketball in my life especially right now.  I feel like there are alot of things going on and it's hard to enjoy things like I used to, but I can already tell that I am going to LOVE coaching.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Good Health

 I'm not feeling so great today.  I was up all night with a bug.  I am feeling a little better today but am having to force myself to keep going because I have school, a meeting at VTL and then basketball tryouts, so I dont have the option of taking the day off to get better. So today I am thankful for good health.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today I am thankful for siblings.  Last night Andrew and I decided to head to his parents house to hangout with Aaron and Bailey.  When we first got there we were a little disenchanted over the Utah vs TCU game but the sibs quickly lifted our spirits.  We ended up playing a made up game where someone threw a little football at the ceiling and the person who got it got a point (first one to 5 won).  The game consisted of  a little tackling and pinching and lots of pushing, grab and FUN.  After that we ate and then finished the night with a couple scary movies which Bailey and I fell asleep to in within 20 minutes. I am so glad that I have such great siblings.  Thanks Mal, Mari & Steven, Ben, Aaron and Bai!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today I am thankful for......... MUSIC!

I love the soothing feeling I get from listening to music, the way it makes car rides more enjoyable, I love singing to it, dancing to it, running to it, pretty much I just love music. 

Random Note: Andrew bought me the new Taylor Swift CD yesterday and I've been listening to it all morning... LOVE IT!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Am Thankful For…..

It’s that time of year again (thanksgiving) and I’ve seen a lot of people doing this, so I’ve decided to join the crowd. For the rest of November I am going to attempt to blog each day about something I am thankful for. Before I get started, I want to say that I think it’s funny that it takes a certain month or holiday for us to reflect on the things in our lives that we are thankful for. I sometimes find myself being entitled and taking certain blessing for granted, but for this month (and hopefully the months to follow) I want to make an effort to be aware of the blessing in my life and be thankful for them.
For those of you who have had to be around me the last few weeks probably wouldn’t think that I am thankful for school because I’ve been complaining so much about it. Though I currently feel a little burned out and discouraged, I love learning and am thankful that I get to go to school.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Utes Game + Rain = Not So Fun

On friday, one my friends posted on facebook that he was selling his Utah vs CSU football tickets.  Well I jumped on that, thinking that Andrew and I would have a good time, as we always do watching Utah Football.  I was unaware that there was going to be a huge storm that day.  So I bought the tickets on Friday and on Saturday morning I get a call from Andrew, who was at work and he said he thought we should buy ponchos so we dont get wet.  I just laughed at him and said, "nah, we'll be fine". 

The game started at 4 and we finally found a parking spot by 3:30 (not a good parking spot, it was probably a mile away).  Well by 3:35 Andrew was soaked from head to toe because he didn't have a waterproof coat on, but he was tough and didn't seem to mind too much.  Me on the other hand had my coat on so only my pants were wet, but I'm not as tought as Andrew and quickly had the "peed my pants" walk going on and began complaining.  By the time we got to our seats I was ready to go home.  Andrew of course didn't like that idea, so we compromised and stayed until halftime.... okay maybe we left a little before halftime, but we stayed for quite a while.  After that fiasco I decided that I love football but from now on, if i don't have a poncho and it's raining then I would rather be at home watching the game on tv.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Saturdays should be

Today was a GREAT day!  It started off by me working at Vista which I enjoyed.  I just worked from 7:45 to 12 and I usually like working Saturdays. I then came home to a clean kitchen and living room.  Andrew and I had a yummy lunch and then took a nice nap.  Oh how I've missed naps on the weekends.  We are usually so busy trying to catch up on house chores and errands that we don't have time to relax on the weekends.  After our nap we got ready to watch the Ute game.  The game started off a little sketch (Iowa state scoring right off the bat) but Utah came back and ended up winning 68-27.  During half time we took a little motorcycle ride through Erda to look at the houses, but cut it short due to Andrew's hands being on the verge of frost bite.  We finished up the night with a little hot chocolate (with my secret ingredient, ice cream) and watching more football.  I love days like today.  I feel like this is how weekends are suppose to be.

Monday, October 4, 2010


You know those moments when you are off in your own little world and dont realize what you're doing?  I had one of those moments today.  I had just gotten to school and put my keys in my backpack like usual.  I locked my car up and instead of putting my purse in the trunk like I normally would, I threw my backpack in there and shut it.  WHOOPS!! So there I was stranded in the parkinglot, needing to go to class and without any of my school supplies.  Luckily, we had a guest speaker in my first class and the nice person sitting next to me let me borrow a pen and paper for notes.  Also, lucky for me I have a dependable husband who called the road side assistance people while I was in class and they were there to unlock the car within a half hour!  Everything worked out and I've made it my goal to be more aware.... at least for the rest of the day.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cedar Pics

The waterfall slide, it was freezing

Rock Climbing

The whole gang, tagging

Me, Hay, and Kam

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back to Cedar City

This past weekend I went to Cedar City to visit my best friend Haley. Haley and I lived together down in Cedar our freshman and sophomore year of college before I got married. We used to have a blast so needless to say we were both very excited for our reunion. Our old friends Timmy Cluff and Kelly Huffaker also came down. The first day there we went to dinner for Kylee's roommates' birthday. We went to an Italian restaurant called speenos. It is fairly new to Cedar and wasn't there when I went to school at SUU unfortunately, because it was very yummy. After dinner we decided to go tagging in the sheep tunnels. (The sheep tunnels are these underground tunnels that go through cedar under the interstate that used to be used to herd the sheep. Hobos do live in them and it is scary!!) The sheep tunnels started off pretty mild and not too frightening…until Kelly and Timmy decided to take off running and of course all of the girls went crazy screaming and running saying there was someone at the end of the tunnel. Luckily for me, Nick and Lani Terry came along and I volunteered Lani to share her husband with me as my guard since my husband was back at home working. So as we were running for our life through the tunnel I held on to Nick's shirt. Once we caught up with Timmy and Kelly we learned that they were only racing and that there wasn't a reason to be scared at all. Once we were all able to calm down we took our turns at tagging, or spray painting. I of course tagged the usual A + M = Love.

On Saturday, we woke up bright and early to go rock climbing. Anyone who knows me knows my biggest fear is heights and that I will do almost anything to get an adrenaline rush. So I was pumped to go rocky climbing. Haley's boyfriend, Spencer who I met for the first time this weekend is really into rock climbing so he came along and let us use his equipment, Thanks Spencer! After rock climbing we took a hike to Kanarraville Falls. For anyone who is looking for a beautiful, fun hike, I would highly recommend this one. It's not very difficult either. At the top of the hike when you get to the waterfall you can actually slide down it. We had a lot of fun! That night we went out to dinner and then went to the adult park in St George. That night I had to decide whether to stay in Cedar and Go home early in the morning so I would be back for work or just leave that night. I decided to go home Saturday night because I had homework I knew wouldn't get done if I stayed in Cedar. I loved being able to see my besties again. This weekend was a success, Thanks guys!!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

football, family, friends and food

As you all know football season is among us and I, andrew, am once again in heaven. The Utes are off to a solid start which means so far so perfect for the season.

In between all of the football we still manage to find time in our incredibly busy schedules to spend time with our families and friends. Last saturday Randy turned 50! And so my mother in law through him a huge surprise party which was very exciting. We helped get everything set up and ready to go including the food from one of my favorite and THE BEST barbecue in utah, Pats Barbecue. (Its located about 2100 s and West Temple in what looks like a run down part of town. Try it'll like it) any way Randy seemed to have a fun time and so did we. He received a ton of "old person" products including a cane and a walker. Some of them were pretty was especially funny when a certain lady said "well when we need something we all know where to get it" what makes that funny is she is probably in her 80s and the only one there who actually needs it.

Other than these things I guess there isn't too much. This friday is my moms birthday and we are trying to put together a little cake and ice cream gathering and getting her a little something special.

My nickname is "mandrew"
and my wife is one foxy lady!
Peace out.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Earlier this week I blogged about how disappointed I was that I wasn't going to the first Utah game of the season and Andrew was. Well, the night before the game Andrew text me and said "guess who's going to the game tomorrow?" and when I asked who he said, "YOU" as in ME! I guess Kenny and Zach had an extra ticket so I got to go and boy am I glad I did. It was an awesome game, definitely a nail biter. The Utes played Pitt and they ended up winning in overtime. We had a really fun time and I must say I am so glad that I married a Ute fan, it's one of the many perks about Andrew.


This last weekend my parents took Andrew and I to Vegas to celebrate my 21st birthday. We stayed at Caesars palace, which is one of my favorites hotels in Vegas, the other one being Mandalay Bay. We got there on Friday, went out to eat and then my mom insisted she needed to take me shopping because I apparently didn't bring Vegas attire. I must say I was in Paradise! I love the shops at Caesars Palace and I had forgotten how relaxing shopping is when you aren't spending your own money, thanks mom!! So while we were shopping Andrew and Ran, my step dad went and did a little gambling. Ran gave Andrew and I each $200 to gamble with and we came home a few hundred dollars richer. On Saturday Ran sent my mom and I to the spa to get massages and afterwards Andrew came and we indulged ourselves at the spas steam rooms. My favorite was the Cedar wood Sauna. I also liked the herbal steam room even though I could only stay in there for about a minute because it was so hard to breath. Andrew enjoyed the shaving room, they didn't have one of those on the girls side so I don’t really know what was so cool about it but he liked it. We really enjoyed our time and had fun on our little getaway to Vegas.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So the title of this post pretty much explains itself but I will elaborate a bit. So I have a friend named Heather Capell. We've been best friends since we were in 6th grade, we were inseperable in high school and had planned to live together, with our other friend Haley in college. Well things didn't go as planned and it ended up just being Haley and I living together down at SUU. But a couple of weeks ago Heather, her daughter Payton and I..... and Andrew all became roommates. It's been working out really well. We live in a 3 bedroom townhome so Heath and payton got the guest bedroom and the office, which is now Paytons bedroom. It was interesting trying to find room for all of our clothes because before they moved in we were using all 3 closests but we've made it work. It's been fun to be able to just walk down the hall and have a girl talk whenever we want and also to have little payton living with us. We are really enjoying having them here.


So anyone who knows us, knows that we LOVE football and especially University of Utah football. So for the last couple of weeks we've been getting really excited for tomorrow, which is Utah's first game. So this whole time I thought that Andrew and I would wear our Utah gear, eat some football food and watch the game together. Well, I found out Monday that Andrew (the luckydog) is going to the game with our friend Zach. I'm a little disappointed that I will have to find someone else to watch the game with but most of all I'm jealous that Im not the one going to the game. So when my turn comes along and I get invited to a game and he doesn't... I wont feel bad :) haha love ya And!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

megan turns 21!

It is about 20 minutes from megans birthday and I am sitting at work. She always tries pretty hard to get me to blog and most of the time I am "too busy". So since its her birthday I thought I would write a little something about her. Here are the top 5 things so far that I love about Meg and they are also the top 5 things that make me extremely happy. (No particular order)
*the way she tells me she loves me at night right before she's about to fall asleep.
*how she still tries to talk when she is laughing too hard, though she always manages to get a couple words out and then keeps on laughing.
*how she sits on the edge of my side of the bed in the morning when I'm still asleep and she is about ready to leave. She just tickles my arm or my back and then kisses my forehead before she walks out of the room.
*the way she gets excited about the tiniest of things!
*that no matter when, where or what time of day it is, she always looks her best. Amazingly beautiful.

These are only a few of the reasons I'm the luckiest man alive!

Happy Birthday Hun!!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Early Birthday Present

So anyone that knows Andrew and I knows that we aren't good with surprises. We both get really excited when we have a surprise for someone and when someone has a surprise for us... Ha curious is an understatement. We start probing and prying until we find out what the surprise it. Well, thats exactly what I did today. Andrew's been asking me the last couple of weeks what I want for my birthday and I've been giving him lots of ideas but the thing I wanted most was a gym pass. Well on Tuesday he came home saying he got my birthday present and he was really excited to give it to me, but as much as I begged he still wouldn't give in and give it to me that day. So today Andrew and I went to lunch and the whole time I was guessing what my present was and everytime I would guess gym pass I would get very excited and I guess Andrew saw that and that made him excited, excited enough that he couldn't wait until monday (my birthday) to give it to me. Sometime during lunch he had slipped the gym pass onto my keychain and when I got in the car to drive home I found it. I am so excited so finally be able to go to the gym again. I've been running and doing what I can at home but it will be nice to be able to lift some weights again.

Before I go I want to apologize if these posts are getting longer and more detailed and possibly boring but we've decided that we are going to start using the blog to document events in our life not only for our family that isn't close but also for ourselves. So plan so start seeing more blog posts from the Veras


Andrew and I at the Washington County Derby. We actually got seats this year.... next to a bunch of sweaty people, lucky us.
Andrew's little catfish he caught. I think he only caught one fish that we kept and it was because it swallowed the hook and was going to die anyway otherwise we would have let it go because it was so little lol it just wasn't his trip when it came to fishing.

Running through the sprinkler at Grandma and Grandpa O's house

Tubing with Johnny, Kyle and Chris. Andrew got it pretty rough and got thrown off quite a few times

Riding on the airboat!

Back to the real world... almost

We had quite an amuzing trip full of boating, fishing and family.... Oh and how could I forget sushi. Yes we did go out for sushi not once, but twice. While living in Nebraska Andrew and I became fans of a restaurant, only 5 miles from our old house in elkhorn, called Kona Grill. Kona has everything from sushi (my favorite) to 5 spice BBQ chicken Pizza (Andrews favorite) The best part about Kona is that they have a reverse happy hour from 10 pm to midnight where everythings half off. So of course Andrew and I had to take advantage of that one night and then on Sunday before we left for Utah we went back for a strictly sushi meal with my cousin Kyle.

We also did lots of boating. My dad bought an airboat this spring. For those of you who dont know what an airboat is, it's the kind of boat that has a big fan on the back and can go over water and land. They are typically used on rivers and thats where we spent about 40% of our time this Nebraska trip. We would ride up the river a couple mile, stop at a fishing hole, ride a little more and then stop at a sand bank and swim for a bit. I'm proud to say that out of my dad, Andrew and Myself I definitely caught the best fish, I also caught the biggest, not to brag or anything :).

On Thursday Andrew and I drove to Page Nebraska where my grandma and grandpa Oltjenbruns are now residing. My younger cousins Zach, Bre and Cayden were there and oh boy do those kids LOVE Andrew. When we lived in Nebraska Andrew and Zach, who is 14 became buddies. They used to wrestle in our livingroom while I would follow them around moving all the breakable things we had. Well, things haven't changed. The first thing Andrew did when he saw Zach was get him in a head lock and started wrestling him on the front porch. It was great to see them all. I think that's the thing we miss most about living in Nebraska, the family.

On Sunday we went to the fremont lakes with my Aunt Julie. We laid out and did some swimming. The plan was that we would leave monday morning at 4 am but we finished up having Sushi with Kyle around 7 Sunday night and decided that we would just head out sunday night. I must say that Andrew was a champ!! Haha I started out driving and drove until about midnight and then Andrew drove the majority of the way after that. After 15 hours of driving, four 5-hr energy drinks and a couple of nap stops we finally made it home around noon on monday.

We had a great, relaxing trip but are now having to adjust to being back in the realy world. Andrew started work Tuesday and I start school this monday, Aug 23 :). I also turn 21 that day whoo whoo! I'm not excited or anything ;). So next week we will be back to our hectic lifestyles consisting of school and work and thats the way we like it.... most of the time.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Andrew and Megan

What are your middle names?
Kent and Lynn Renee

How long have you been together?
We have been together since July 30, 2008

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We knew of eachother for years but really only knew eachother for about a month

Who asked who out?
It was more of a mutual thing

Whose siblings do you see the most?
Probably Andrews because he has alot of them so it's easier to for them to find time

Do you have any children together?
Not yet, maybe in a couple years. Yes, you heard me right people we are waiting a couple years. Sorry but we have too much we want to do before we have kids.

What about pets?
We have a cat name elliott Jones Vera

Did you go to the same school?

Who is more sensitive?
It used to be him because I hated showing emotions but now that he's shown me that it's ok it might be me.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
hmmm, I think we change it up alot.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Nebraska I think, Maybe Cali. I'm not sure which one is further

Who has the craziest exes?
Haha I think he would say him and I would just go with it because I don't think my exes are crazy.

Who has the worst temper?
It depends on the situation, I've seen Andrew get pretty mad but I also get fired up about certain things

Who does the cooking?
Andrew all the way. I don't see the point in cooking when I don't like to eat big meals anyway

Who is the most sociable?
Idk. When I'm around my friends I'm definetly more loud but when I meet new people I'm pretty shy but Andrew is just... "normal" around everyone

Who is the neat freak?

Who is the most stubborn?
ME!!! He tries to be stubborn but eventually has to give in because I never will

Who hogs the bed?
I've been told that it's me. I guess I sleep in the middle.

Who wakes up earlier?

Where was your first date?
The big dam

Do you get flowers often?
Not so much anymore, but thats ok because I get lots of other things, I feel pretty spoiled

How long did it take to get serious?
Maybe a month. We hit it off pretty fast.

Who eats more?
Andrew. He's a bottomless pit!!

Who sings better?
Andrew!! But I'm finally starting to sing in front of him, even though I suck

Who does the laundry?

Who's better with the computer?
Depends on what program I think

Who drives when you are together?
Usually Andrew, I think I scare him when I drive.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?
He does, but I pick them out :)

Who has more tattoos?
Neither of us do

Who eats more sweets?

Who cries more?
Probably me now days. It used to be him because I hated crying but now I cry occasionally.

How long before you had your first kiss?
Haha it was the day after our first date. haha Andrew was a sweet talker

Who is better with finances?
Andrew knows more, but I think I make better decisions

Who gets jealous easier?
ANDREW!! But he's gotten so much better since we've been married

Who has better taste in music?
We listen to alot of the same.

Favorite couple moment?
I don't think I could pick just one favortie moment, but here are a few. The driving game we made up, our honeymoon, and airsoft gun wars

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What a Month!

July was quite an eventful month for us. We were both working, I was going to school but we also made lots of time for fun. We went to the days of 47 rodeo with our friends Paul and Amelia and their cute little boy Caleb, we went hiking to Cascade Springs with the Vera side of the fam (Very beautiful place, I would recommend hiking there) and we also celebrated our two year anniversary of being together. Yes, on July 30th we had been "officially" together for two years. So I was thinking it would be fun to tell about how our relationship "officially" started. It was Bailey's 12th birthday and Andrew and I had been hanging out for about 5 days. He was planning on taking Bailey to Pizza Hut for her birthday and asked if I wanted to come along. I of course said yes because since the first day we had hungout all I wanted to do was be with him :). Anyway, that whole day I had been texting a mutual friend of mine and Andrews who wasn't too happy about the fact that we were hanging out so much. So while we were at Pizza Hut this mutual friend asked if Andrew and I were "together". I wasn't sure so I just came out and asked and Andrew said, "Sure"! So this year on July 30th we celebrated by having a little lunch together. Andrew had to work so he just brought home Subway and after that I went tubing with some friends on the Provo river.

Andrew and I are currently in Nebraska..... WHOOP! We are both really excited, we've missed it here so much. We left Thursday at 2 in the afternoon and got here Friday morning around 5 AM. Needless to say we were both exhausted Friday but that didn't stop us from going, going, going. We went and visited with grandma Pat which was nice and then my dad took us out on the river to test out his new airboat. I must admit it's alot more fun than I expected. Today (Saturday) we've spent most of the day playing on the river and are now getting ready to go to the fair in Arlington.

Well thats all for now, but I'm sure I'll be blogging again later about the adventures of out Nebraska trip.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Anniversary getaway pics

Golfing in 106 degree weather

Sporting our new shaded

Two little monkies juming on the bed, one
fell off and bumped his head.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

1 year and back to the "Hav"

On June 6th Meg and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary, I can't believe it has been a year already! When you are having this much fun and when you are married to someone as wonderful as my wife time flies by!
To celebrate our anniversary we decided it would be cool to go back to where we spent our honeymoon, Lake havasu Arizona. We left on thursday June 3 and drove 8 hours to the lake. On friday we went golfing and it was HOT! 106 to be exact and we golfed 18 holes. It was Megs first time out on the course and she was pretty impressive! She even drove the ball over a little section of the lake on to the fairway about 150 yards out. It was awesome. Later that day we just sort of hung out at the beach and swam. We had some pizza that was overcooked too. On saturday morning we again went to the beach, a different beach this time, and played in the water it was around 110-111 degrees that day. After swimming it up we went to a spa and had a nice relaxing swedish massage...I fell asleep toward the end and woke up alone in the room...I felt like I had been there hours but meg was only waiting about ten minutes. Saturday night we had sushi for dinner, one of our favorite things to eat! It was pretty good and the pieces were huge haha meg made a mess trying to eat each piece all at once (which is how you usually eat sushi). Sunday morning we rented Jet skis from our favorite Jet ski rental man Tom, the same guy we rented from last year, who is a vietnam war veteran he retired from the navy and acts like a pirate. While we were out on the water it was 115 degrees and at times felt like someone had just opened up the oven on us. One of the things we wanted to do this timearoud was cliff jump, so we found a cliff and jumped in to the water. It took megan at least a half an hour to finally jump and I am probably underexaggerating. Haha she was so excited after she did it! On sunday night we went and watched the celtivs lakers game at a sports grill and ate some tasty burgers! On monday and tuesday we spent some time in Las Vegas at The Venetian, it was awesome! We didn't do a whole lot but relax and stay out of the sun! It was the perfect way to end our first year of wonderful marriage! Icing on the cake! Speaking of cake we ate our wedding cake on sunday and it was surprisingly still good! So we decided to eat it every anniversary for the next 19 years! Just kidding...but seriously we are.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Andrew Kent Vera

Andrew and I will have been married a year on June 6th and I've been reflecting a lot on the past year lately. I must say that there is noone as perfect for me than Andrew. So I'm going to list some of the things I love about him.

1. He's passionate about everything he does
2. He sings in the car and even sings to me and it always makes me smile
3. He plays sports with me and loves them as much as I do
4.He loves getting pedicures so I never will have to go alone
5.He's the most unselfish person I know
6. His cute smile
7. He's the best at surprises. This past week I picked up a shift at work and came home to a clean house and then a candle lit room where he game me a massage and he is currently working on some surprise that I can't figure out yet, but I'm working on it
8.He knows me well enough to keep me in line and remind me when I'm not being logical
9.His dancing!! Many people don't know this but he has some awesome moves.
10. Most of all I love him because he is my best friend!

These are just a few of the many things I love about him. He is an amazing husband and friend and I have so much fun with him. I love you andy kent!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Andrew and I have been staying very busy and having lots of fun. I dont feel like blogging too much and I'm in class so this post will consist of mostly pictures, at least thats the plan.

Summer semester started for me yesterday. I'm taking 18 credits and can already feel all of my energy draining from my body. The worst part is that I have a class at 7:30 am and it's the days after I work until midnight... boo. I don't want to complain too much because I really do feel blessed to be able go to school and I just want to get done.

A few weeks ago my friend Timmy got home from his mission, so this past week Andrew and I have had the opportunity to spend some time with him and some other friends. On Tuesday Haley, Colton, Timmy and I went 4-wheeling and as we are driving down the mountain Timmy's tire decides to plop off. It was epic and we had a really fun time. Then over the weekend Andrew and I went over to Haleys to play some games and we ended up whipping out the twister game. (Love that game)

Andrew is still working for Wells Fargo and we both work at Vista at night. I was able to quit my second job a few weeks ago so that I could take summer classes but I'm still feeling as busy as ever. And Andrew.... well I'm not sure how he does it. He is definetly a trooper and I am so grateful for how hard he is working.

Andrew and I will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary in a couple weeks and we are planning on going to Lake Havasu (the same place we went on out honeymoon) We are going to rent jet skis, get massages, manis and pedis and do lots of relaxing so pictures will be coming soon. But I must say that this past year has been the most amazing, fun and challenging year of my life. I'm really lucky to have Andrew. He is always making me laugh and making me so happy.

Well this blog has already gone on longer than I expected so I will get to the pictures. I hope everyone is doing well, thanks for taking time to read our blog :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

oh what a night

It has been a pretty long time since we have updated this blog. I will get to the life update in a minute. Right now I am watching game 2 of the jazz-nuggets series, its a nail biter, literally I just bit my nails. Jazz up 3 11 seconds to go. While at work this evening I was told F-you and to F off in the same sentence by a 16 year old boy. Gotta love the drama at mý second job! Jazz up 1 with 6 seconds left. Korver shooting 2.I'm shaking.up 3. JAZZ WINNNN!!!! Meg and I both share a place of work. We are working at a ýouth rehabilitation center 3 nights a week.meg will actually be going full time there in about a month. It is an amazing job and very rewarding! I am also working as a personal banker for Wells Fargo. We are both finishing up the semester and gearing up for summer semester. We recently purchased a scooter! The thing is pretty awesome, it gets up to 80 MPH and gets 70 MPG. We love cruising on it especially in the afternoon when its sunny and warm out! We are approaching our one year anniversary and I am planning the celebration, wish me luck! Well hopefully this gives you all enough to understand where we are at in our lives.

P.S. We are having a baby!!!!!!!!!!!...not;)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

vacation resort:MWMC

Hey all this is a copy of the letter I wrote to my brother regarding my trip to the hospital. WARNING! There is info in this you may not want to know. WARNING!

Hey bro, I don't know if you will be able to upload this picture or not. Anyway, it is a pic of me in a hospital yep in the hospital. I had to be rushed in to the ER on wednesday at around 230 AM. Meg brought me in. This is the story; on tuesday night, aarons BDAY we all had a wild drinking party at the house and I was throwing up, haha JUST KIDDING about the drinking party. But seriously on tuesday night meg and I were at the house and we ate our dinner, which was green salad, that's it, it had just lettuce, cucumbers, bell peppers, broccoli, turkey and cheese. So I ate the salad and then we went and played bball for Aarons bday at the church. The whole time I was playing my stomach was killing me (just thought I had to go number 2) so I tried and couldn't. Anyway, we went back to the house and mom and meg just told me it was gas or that maybe the fresh peppers was upsetting my stomach. So meg and I went home. When we got there I took a hot shower hoping the heat would help. It didn't. So by this time its around 11pm and we are home and my stomach is still killin me. So I tried everything I know to help create a BM (tmi) everything except Ex-lax because on the box it said not to if you have abdominal pain. This continued on for another couple hours. In between my efforts I was calling my mother and meg was calling my mother in law and all kept encouraging me to do other things, thinking I was being a baby about it, and I tried all of those things...none of them helped. So at about 215am meg called the ER in Tooele and they said to bring me in. You see, being the tuff guy I am(that I try to be), no tuffness could stack up to this sharp pain. When we arrived they immediately did some blood work and felt around trying to find out where the pain was coming from exactly. (Some of these words or sentences may not make the most sense, I am still in the hospital and on pain meds) after the tests came back they knew something was up so they scheduled me for a CT scan. I had to drink I swear a half gallon of dye to prepare for the scan, it was disgusting. While this was happening I knew I wanted and needed a with dad out of town in Dallas I turned to Zach and Boone. Meg called them and within 45 minutes they were at my side using the power of the priesthood to calm me down and ease my pain. I am so grateful they came by, it was a big sacrafice for them to just get up at 330am to come to the hospital especially when both of their wives are at home pregnant. Thank goodness for them, it helped me sleep while I was waiting for the scan. At 530am they came and woke me up to have the scan done. The results of the scan showed that my appendix, that is supposed to be 6mm in diamater and about as long as a pinky finger, was actually 16mm in diameter and more than twice as long as it should have been. So I was scheduled for surgery at 930am to have it removed! I don't remember a thing from the time they took me from my room for the operation. All I know is that I was in the deepest sleep ever! Meg and mom told me that after I woke up I was asking them why they forgot my body, I don't remember that lol. Anyway after I was actually awake awake and able to focus it was about 1PM already. I kept having meg lay in bed with me, because she was exhausted. Poor meg was awake for more than 24 hours before she got to actually sleep, and even then she only slept for about an hour and a half. I am so grateful for all she did for me and for all the sacrifices she has made and continues to make. She is the perfect wife, hopefully one day you will find someone almost as good ;) back to my hospital vacation: at around midnight last night meg and I were sleeping in the bed and I all of a sudden i was dripping sweat and needed to use the restroom and was a little dizzy, so I really needed to get to the bathroom...but didn't want to wake meg luckily the CNA, jeremy, walked in right at that moment and he helped me to the bathroom. After I filled up a 32 ounce jug I felt like I was going to pass out, so I hollered for a little help, jeremy came in and I leaned on him while he walked me to the bed...I was about to collapse and then all of a sudden something was working its way up my jeremy ran and grabbed my tub, I lost it three times! Meg woke up to the sound of me throwing everything up, I felt really bad...and for those who hate throwing up like I do, throwing up after having surgery on your stomach was the most pain I have felt in a LONG time and maybe ever that I can remember. Anyway after that fiasco everything has been looking up. Meg is at work today so mom picked me up from the hospital and we are on our way home now. Well bro sorry this was so long but I actually had something exciting to write about so I thought I would take advantage. I hope that things have gotten better with your comp! Exciting to hear about the babtisms! Also good to hear that you understand its about hard work and obedience, but also having fun too. I love you bro!

Love, andy

Monday, February 15, 2010

Well I've been promising my family in Nebraska an update for about a month now, and I'm sorry to say that I still don't have pictures of our new place to post on here but they will be up soon.

Things are going really well for us here. Andrew is still working for Wells Fargo and taking online classes from Utah State and I'm working at noble finance and going to The U. I must say that I've become quite keen of the University of Utah. I love my classes! Here they are for those of you who are wondering:
Teaching Health in Secondary Education
Health & Human Relations
Personal Resiliency
Facilitating Healthy Behaviors
Community Health Issues

This upcoming week is going to be pretty busy. I have tests in 4 of my classes, 2 reaction papers due and two lesson plans due but I'm excited for the challenge and bizarrely motivated.

This weekend Andrew and I went to Ogden to spend some time with our friends Paul and Amelia. We had so much fun. We went to an institute dinner/dance, then we went to the end of the winter festival where we got to watch the fireworks, after that we went to back to Paul and Amelias to play a little Blokus (awesome game! for anyone who hasn't played it I would recommend it) and lastly we watched New Moon at the college. I don't think the boys were too crazy about the movie ( Andrew slept through half of it) but us girls enjoyed it.
Today was our first valentines day together as a married couple. Because it is Sunday and we are house sitting we were somewhat limited to what we could do, but of course that didn't stop Andrew. He made me a nice, what we like to call, Linner (The meal between lunch and dinner). It was easily the best valentines day ever because I got to spend it with my husband.

Well I should probably attempt to fall asleep because it is 4 AM, but before I do I'll post a few pics from our weekend. Hope all is well with everyone and hope everyone had an incredible Valentines Day.

Nebraska Fam, I promise to take some pics of our home soon. Sorry it's taking me so long. I love and miss you all!

He Brought home chocolate covered Strawberries, He knows me to too well.
The Dinner Andy Made me

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our Home Sweet (furnitureless) Home

We are finally getting settled in to our little place and we love it! Even though we have no furniture, it is awesome.
I have already been working at my new store since Tuesday and Megan is organizing the house and preparing for her first semester at the U.
Before I continue, I have to go on a little rant about the University I have been so loyal to since I can remember. The U of U has been incredibly hard to deal with!!!! We cant get a hold of anyone important and no one seems to know what the heck is going on around there!! Class is supposed to start on Monday but we cannot get the important things taken care of like financial aid and for some reason they have her listed as dependent still! It is ridiculous.
If we can get those things taken care of she should be ready to roll on Monday.
I am having a hard time updating the blog...not to sure what to write about. I am still with Wells Fargo...we are watching that 70's show...we got our washing machine and dryer today and have been tag teaming the laundry! Fun times together!
Speaking of being together, today is exactly 7 months from the day we got hitched! The past months have been the best of my life and I am not sure how it could get any better! I love it!
Today we celebrated with a little cafe rio...mmmm we missed that while we were away. Delicious!
Ben is serving at the bottom of the world right now in an area called Tierra Del Fuego a small island on the southern tip of south america. He seems to be doing just fine!
Mari and the baby are at my parents house and let me tell you, she is beautiful! The baby that is. Steve is in Afghanistan and I believe he will be home for a couple weeks in February.
Mal started school at UVU today and only dislikes one of her classes, the one Meg convinced her to take lol.
Aaron is living the easy life in high school and just purchased the sweetest looking Sax I have ever seen.
Bailey is at the Junior High and has the attitude to prove it! (side note:Bailey is about 5' 7" now, just a couple shy of me...i will most likely end up being the shortest in the fam)
Well I hope this was good enough of an update...personally I feel like Meg does a much better job at blogging than I do.